Tn okakjdo@

Èhjeähdj fya;=fjka jirlg isÿjk urK .Kk" taâia iy mshhqre ms<sld fya;=fjka isÿjk urKj,g jvd jeä h' Èhjeähdj" yDohdndO we;sùfï wjodku fo.=K lrhs' i;=gqodhl lreK jkafka Èhjeähdj ksisf,i md,kh lr.ekSu u.ska miqld,Sk .eg¿ wvqlr.; yels ùuhs' Èhjeähdj l,a ;nd y÷kd.ekSu" blauka m%;sldrj,g iy miqld,Sk ixl+,;d j<lajd.ekSug bjy,a fõ'

This is for entertainment purposes only, the results should be interpreted as medical diagnosis.